Musings on Romance

Tag: Beth Ehemann

December Round Up

Monthly Mini Review

Room for just a Little bit moreRoom for Just a Little More by Beth Ehemann – B- At the end of the first two books, Kacie and Brody got engaged and this book takes us through to the wedding. I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be something for fans of the series and is, effectively, an extended epilogue so we get a glimpse of the HEA.  Brody continues to be perfect and a wonderful father to the girls and earns many many brownie points and best fiance/husband ever points.  Kacie is contacted by her biological father and he’s a real piece of work, let me tell you. It’s difficult for me to understand a character who just walks away from his own daughter like that but my own husband has one just like him so I know they happen in real life. In fiction, it’s tempting to call them out as being without nuance but I know from my husband’s POV, there is little nuance to be had and it is Kacie and Brody telling this story after all.  They know what they see.  And what they see sucks.  I didn’t really approve of Brody going behind Kacie’s back but his heart was in the right place even if I disliked his methods.  That said, I can see it working for Kacie and Brody in a way it wouldn’t work for Kaetrin.   Brody does just enough not-quite-perfect stuff to retain his almost perfect status and feel somehow more believable because of it.  He’s still pretty perfect though.  I see on Goodreads that Viper is getting a book of his own so maybe we will see a bit of Brody and Kacie and the girls in that.  It’s a 100 pages novella which was entertaining and enjoyable but it’s very much an epilogue rather than a must-read.  I liked it for what it was and, to be honest, I don’t think it was trying to be anything else. Continue reading

Room for More by Beth Ehemann

Room for MoreWhy I read it: I bought this book after the first in the series was a DA Daily Deal.

What it’s about: (from Goodreads) Four years ago, my dreams were shattered in an instant.

Three months ago, I found something I haven’t had in years.


That hope came in the form of a sexy, carefree hockey player named Brody Murphy. He swooped in and won me over with his big heart and the way he cared for me…and my girls. When they look at him, they see the father they’ve never had.

Now, my past and present are colliding and the outcome might just be too much for me to bear. Can I make the right decision when I’ve spent my whole life making the wrong ones?

Warning: Spoilers for book 1 follow.

What worked for me (and what didn’t):  Brody continues to be his (almost) perfect self, as he and Kacie navigate their new relationship. 

Crossing my arms over my chest, I cocked my head to the side and looked at him skeptically. “Since when does staying home with kids all day interest you?”

He looked over at the girls, who were watching a movie in the living room, and shrugged. “Since them.”

Awwwww.  See? Perfect.
Continue reading

Room for You by Beth Ehemann

Room for youWhy I read it:  This book was a DA Daily Deal a little while back – I bought the two full length books and the novella for $1.00 each.

What it’s about: (from Goodreads)  Four years ago, my dreams were shattered in an instant.

I tried to pick up the pieces and glue them back together the best I knew how, but something was always missing.

A father for my two girls.

But then, Brody Murphy landed on my doorstep, literally. He was a carefree, playful hockey player who barged into my life and messed with my head. He left me more confused than I had ever been.

What if the one thing I thought I needed was the only thing holding me back?

What worked for me (and what didn’t):  There is a fair amount of wish fulfilment in this book.  Brody is almost the perfect man.  He’s gorgeous, fit, kind, loves kids, sexy.  He’s even rich.  Every now and then he will do something not quite perfect (but never really egregious – the only thing which got up my nose a little bit was the Ferris Wheel thing – I get his motivation but I thought it was just a bit of a dick move all the same) to put readers off the scent but basically, he’s perfect.

“Holy shit,” Brody muttered from behind me where he stood frozen at the kitchen sink.
My heart rocketed into my throat and stuck there as I spun to face him. “Is that a good holy shit, or a bad holy shit?”
He didn’t respond with his mouth, but his eyes spoke volumes as they raked slowly all the way down my body and back up again. “It’s the best holy shit ever.”
Proudly, I looked down at myself and beamed up at him. “I cleaned up okay, huh? On a scale from one to ten-”
“Six hundred fifty-two.” He interrupted as he stalked over, gripped the back of my head and pressed his mouth to mine hard.

Good answer Brody. Continue reading

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