Monthly Mini Review

red ribbon with the end in a loveheart shape and a black and white photo of the head and upper torso of a handsome white man with fair hair and a neatly trimmed beardWrapped Up In You by Ella Frank & Brooke Blaine, narrated by Wesley Paul – B I picked up this little novella (it only goes for 1 hour 17 minutes) in the Audible Plus catalogue when I searched to see what else Wesley Paul had narrated. He’s narrating a Kristen Ashley book I had my eye on and I wanted to try a sample before one-clicking. It’s a Valentine’s Day short featuring a gay couple who have been together for about 3 years. One half of the couple is Vaughan, an ER doctor and has also spent time overseas with Doctors Without Borders so he’s often away or working during holidays. But this time, to Carter’s delight, Vaughan has something special planned.

The story takes the listener over the course of the day and includes a few flashbacks to how they met, their first date, etc and leads up to a big romance (which I’m sure folks can probably guess but I won’t give it away here even so). It’s soft and fluffy, has no conflict at all and in that way is a perfect little bite if one is in the mood for those things (I was).

The timeline of the day confused me a little – it seemed they’d just had breakfast and opened one present (there’s a Christmas theme because reasons) and then they’re having lunch. Exactly how Vaughan made all the arrangements while Carter was sleeping was also a mystery. Some hand-waving and suspension of disbelief is needed there. But I did get a sense of who these men were to one another and for what it was, it was an enjoyable listen.

I watched the short film version of the story on Passionflix a while back too so those with a subscription might find this familiar. The movie short is cute the but the novella is better.

The narration was very good and technically proficient – so much that I did click the button for the Kristen Ashley audio I had my eye on. I’ll happily listen to Wesley Paul again.


Coming Soon on Audio

illustrated cover with a pink background, a handsome smirking white guy with dark short hair wearing a white tee sit next to a white girl with red corkscrew/curly hair, who is clearly out of sorts and her face is red, wearing a mustard coloured top. They are on a couch surrounded by multicoloured throw pillows. The titles are styled in a way to make it obvious that this book is set in the 1960s but there's not much more too it - it's mainly blue

Reviews of these books will be up soon at AudioGals.


Here’s what you may have missed:

at AudioGals

Well Matched by Jen DeLuca, narrated by Brittany Pressley
Change With Me by Kristen Proby, narrated by Lance Greenfield & Lauren Sweet
Only When It’s Us by Chloe Liese, narrated by Nelson Hobbs & CJ Bloom

at Dear Author

Good Girl Complex by Elle Kennedy
Hunt the Stars by Jessie Mihalik